Bureau of Land Management wranglers round up wild horses in Wyoming’s Pryor Mountains in an effort to “manage” the number of horses that compete with cattle for grass. Those that argue against the roundups say that the approximately 45,000 wild horses that populate over 44 million acres in 10 western states could not possibly constitute a threat to cattle.
Wild horses roam freely in Wyoming’s Pryor Mountains
Thousands of wild horses are rounded up each by Bureau of Land Management wranglers.
They are branded and put up for “adoption” to anyone willing to pay $125.
After one year the BLM allows the “adopters” to sell the once wild horses, very often to horse slaughter houses for prices that have gone as high as $1000.
A wild horse hangs in a slaughter house in Canada. Its BLM brand is visible on its neck.
A worker pushes blood to a drain
Sides of horse meat hang in a cooler. The meat is shipped to many European and Asian countries for human consumption. In the U.S. it is mainly used for pet food.